Monday 8 March 2010

Hammer Glamour book

Okay, so I don't need an excuse to publish yet another photo of my favourite film woman of all time, the simply wonderful Maddie Smith. SO, here's yet another picture of the simply wonderful Maddie Smith, boobs fairly heaving to be free from that frankly equally superb dress. 
This top-notch pic adorns the cover of a new(ish, bear with me, I've got a hefty backlog of "news" to deal with here) book about the women who graced Hammer's films in the 60s ad 70s. Frankly, I'd be happy with a book about Ms Smith alone, but seeing as she only made a couple of films for the company, it would be quite a slim tome. Anyhoo, here's some more pics from the book to whet your appetite... I think a review would probably be superfluous, especially considering I haven't read the thing.
Okay, here's a review of what I think it's probably like:
"Blimey. You don't get many of those to the pound! Phwooarr! Look at that! Strewth, etc"

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