Monday 26 July 2010

Save Bray Studios! Plans up tomorrow

Iconic home of Hammer films Bray studios is set for demolition, and the plans for what could replace it will go up tomorrow. Full details here, as sent to me by Robert Simpson, the guy behind the Facebook campaign to save them:
Subject: Studio plans Exhibition - 27 July 2010
Dear all,

Thank you all so much for your continued support for the Save Bray campaign. A special thanks to all of you bloggers who have been scribbling away and helping to spread the word. Please continue to do so, and feel free to post a link to your blog entries on the wall for the group.

Curiously, I haven't seen a single voice in praise of the plans to demolish Bray Studios yet... I would be very surprised if there isn't at least one representative of the management keeping an eye on this group - so why even they haven't posted yet is beyond me. Please, engage, interact, discuss... explain why Bray has to be pulled down... if you can?

There is a distinct lack of information in the public domain about the plans, and word has reached me that much information is being held back in the local area, so it is vital this campaign is taken to as wide an audience as possible. If you run a website, blog, or are in the media industry and would like to cover the story, please do so. I have prepared a summary document for news editors which I have started to distribute too, though ultimately what spin you choose to take is up to you. I'll post a revised version of the facts as we know them on; later today. It may serve as a useful reminder of what the group is about.

I've been approached by another party interested in taking over the studio as a going concern, so unless this is what the current management are secretly hoping would happen, plans are very foolish indeed.

I'd be interested to know if any of you have actually been able to make contact with the Bray management recently. Everyone I have spoken to so far has only got as far as security, who claim to know nothing.

Next Tuesday between 3 and 8pm, Bray Studios have advertised a public exhibition of their plans in the studio. I would encourage every one of you that can to make it to the studio complex. Reports I'm getting suggest the leaflet has had very little distribution and they may not have expected details to leak to us. So if we can, lets descend en masse. I'm planning to travel across the UK for the exhibition and to get the picture first hand.

If you want to wear appropriately themed clothing, then please do. It would be good if we can get the media interest in this, and you may help to create a picture opportunity. Bring signs and banners if you must. I'm going as open-mindedly as possible, and would genuinely like to engage with the developers. Non-aggressively. Politely. In the spirit we should all adopt.

I've already heard from a few people who are making international trips in support of this. Thank you to them and everyone else.

This is a matter of national heritage and importance, so please do make the effort.

Meanwhile, if you are a member of the press please do get in touch. BBC Radio Berkshire covered the story yesterday in their breakfast show with Andrew Peach, and some of the local press are following it up. We'd like national and international coverage too. Rue Morgue should be featuring the campaign in the newest issue...

Oh, and you might like to take a note of some of the stories getting posted on the group wall. Memories of employees of the company, links to blogs, and my latest find - a declaration from 1999 that Bray would be safe until 2014 at the earliest... Ha!

Hopefully see some of you on Tuesday. The battle is just getting started I think...


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