We at Green Manalishi Productions have finally finished "Within the Woods" and its amazing. We have already been interviewed by Central News and BBC WM (UK based Radio and TV) and you can find all of the information in the EPK I've attached along with this message. We are also looking for a suitable event where we can premiere the film. We have all territories open at the moment and we are looking at International options (US/ Canada) as well as domestic (UK).
And just so you know, we DO know about the pedigree of the name "Within the Woods", Luke, the Director, is a massive fan and it's meant as a thanks for inspiration, rather than a steal, as the plot and characters are not related at all to the original short.
You can find more info and our fansite here: www.wtwthemovie.co.uk;
our Facebook site here: www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=12357195189
Myspace here: www.myspace.com/withinthewoodsthemovie
Youtube here: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pqleo1lxHM